site and waveform data are free.
NISBAS Sites allows searching the database that contains the information concerning the seismological instrumented sites
(e.g., geographical, geological, geophisical and geotechnical data, as well as the site response, etc.).
A summary table shows the main
information of the sites that match the input criteria.
For each site one can:
- view the main data available for that site, including a map (page Station Detail);
- download tha station monography, if available;
- view the description of the deployed instruments (page Instrument Detail);
- find and download the event waveform records available for that site (page Station Recordings).
NISBAS has specific a web page for searching and downloading event waveforms. The user can:
- search event waveforms by specifying either
- waveform attributes (e.g. magnitude, distance, ground motion parameters, instrument type), or
- event attributes (e.g. date, location, depth, etc.), or
- station attributes (e.g. network, station id, location);
- for each waveform, have a graphical representation and a summary of the ground motion parameters;
- download both instrument-corrected and un-corrected data in sac or ascii format, as well as the dataless file
which contains the whole information on instruments for processing data correctly.
This page allows one to search and retreive any piece of seismological records within the stream of continuous waveform data.
In order to do that, the user has to define a set of stations as well as a time window. The web interface assists the user in this actions,
and offers a graphical tool for verifying the availability of the required data.
Waveform data are provided in sac and/or miniseed format togehter with the dataless files, which contains the whole information on instruments
for processing data correctly.
Some limitations exist on the size of the data that can be downloaded. At present a maximum of xxx MB is allowed for each request.
All the data concerning sites and instrumentation, as well as those of the recorded waveforms, are organized and written according to the
SEED seismological standard.