The "Network of Italian Surface-Borehole Accelerometers and Seismometers" (NISBAS) is the information system aimed at organizing, archiving and accessing to surface-borehole seismological data. Version 1.0 was realized within the research project entitled "Progetto S2 Constraining Observation into Seismic Hazard (Progetto S2 Constraining Observation into Seismic Hazard)). The task named NISBAS aimed to start to fill a research gap in Europe in general and in Italy in particular: a lack of coupled accelerometers at the surface and in boreholes.
The NISBAS data are structured in two parts, i.e. a database that manages all the information of the seismological instrumented sites and a double archive of waveforms, for the continuous and extracted data, respectively.
The data are provided by three institutions (OGS, RER, CNR-IMAA) that cooperate in the installation and maintenance of this kind of coupled stations. Data concerns both permanent and temporary networks
The following stations are included in NISBAS:
ED01 (Susegana, TV, near the Montello target area at 120 m depth)
FERB (Casaglia, FE, at 135 m depth in the Emilia-Po Plain target area).
IMAA (Tito Scalo, PZ, at 35 m depth in the Calabro-Lucanian target area)
MIRB (Mirandola, MO a vertical array with sensors a 0, 31, and 126 m)
MSN (Marsico Nuovo, PZ, at 76 m depth in the Calabro-Lucanian target area)
STIN (San Stino di Livenza, VE, 100 m depth)
TOPP (Pian del Toppo, PN, 150 m depth)
Searches in NISBAS data are organized by networks. Data avalibility and the access mode are listed in the table.
The NISBAS, as the OASIS ("the OGS Archive System of Instrumental Seismology") database and web site have been greatly inspired by ITACA, the archive of the italian accelerometric data. The original model has been improved in order to handle the high complexity of the seismological data properly.
The NISBAS web site accesses data through three main sections::
Sites section accesses to the information concerning the seismological sites managed by OGS as well as sites managed by other institutions willing to share this information in the framework of callaborative projects where OGS is involved.
Event Waveforms section implements the search and download functions of waveform records concerning seismic events. This archive may contain records of both natural events (e.g.: earthquakes) and source controlled experiments.
Continuous Waveforms section implements the search and download functions of generic pieces of waveforms within the stream of continuous recordings. This functionality allows to search and retrieve any piece of signal, with some limitations about the overall size of the resulting files.
The data are provided as continuous waveforms for all the NISBAS stations except for IMAA, for which data consist in event recordings. Data belonging to MSN station are actually restricted.Version 1.0 was realized within the research project entitled "Progetto S2 Constraining Observation into Seismic Hazard (Progetto S2 Constraining Observation into Seismic Hazard)). The project is the 3rd S2 Project funded in the frame of DPC(Dipartimento Nazionale della Protezione Civile (DPC)) - INGV(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)) agreements. It concerns the mid-long term Seismic Hazard Assessment in Italy, focussing in betterment that can be reached on two priority areas.